Huntington Learning Center Testimonials

My 10 year old daughter has always struggled in school.

Since kindergarten, Hannah has been in the tutoring program at her school. Fifth grade was the breaking point. Before starting Huntington, Hannah would come home with her stack of graded papers and we would be thrilled to see one or two passing grades. After a few weeks we noticed a change in the grades. We still see a low grade occasionally but during the 3 months she has been attending Huntington her grades are up to mostly A's, B's, and a C.

FROM: Michelle A.

My son's grades and confidence improved!

3rd grade was very challenging for our son and he did not pass the STAAR test. He is a smart boy but did not like going to school because he was not doing well. A friend recommended Huntington. They did an assessment and found the gaps in his education that were keeping him from getting good grades. After tutoring at Huntington, his grades improved and he passed the 4th grade STAAR test and most importantly his self-esteem improved. He now loves going to school, participates in school activ...

FROM: Iris D.

First SAT Completed Program, "Thank you!" - From Rebecca Rouse

[I] feel better going over this information with a teacher than I would of by muself reading the book. The books are really helpful and I like the example problems and the way they break the test down [section by section]. Thank you!

FROM: Rebecca Rouse

Can't Say Enough about Huntington!

I can not say enough about Huntington! My daughter is 6, and she has only been going for 3 weeks! She needed extra help on her letters, numbers and reading etc. The staff have bent over backwards to make her feel welcome and establish a positive relationship with her! She is so excited to see Phoebe, Maria and Andrea each time! Her progress has been great in the 3 weeks and I cannot wait to see how much she grows in confidence and knowledge this summer in the program at Huntington! The ...

FROM: Chloe R.

Has been a blessing...

So far this place has been a blessing, my son is in junior high so it's a trying age for school. He had pretty much given up on learning and school, until we came to Huntington. He's only been attending a week but his confidence has gone up and he actually told me he enjoys learning again. So far so great, thanks Huntington, I'm very grateful so far and impressed.

FROM: Kareena R.

So glad I came in and met you

Dear wonderful staff at Huntington, Words cannot adequately express our thankfulness. I am so grateful I made that call in July looking for help for Luke. What an awesome journey. He is now a happy, confidant and hard-working 1st grader who is not afraid to open a book and start reading. It brings tears to my eyes. We are forever grateful and all of you will hold a special place in our hearts for years to come.


34... way to go!

Hi guys, We had great news this morning. Monica's ACT scores are way up and she NAILED it! Her composite went up to a 34. We are thrilled! Thanks to you and your team for all your help. Thanks!


Thank you mom and dad

Dear mom and dad, Thank you for letting me come to Huntington. I remember when I felt like I was dumb and couldn't do anything. Huntington really changed that. My favorite part of Huntington is math. I find it fun and exciting. I feel more prepared in school now. Thank you so much mom and dad for taking me to Huntington and thanks to Huntington for changing my life. Love Katie

FROM: Katie (6th grade student)
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