Huntington Learning Center Testimonials

Improved Study Skills and Comprehension

Our son was struggling in high school. He spent hours studying every evening, but still would do poor on test. Huntington in Royersford was able to help his study skills and more importantly comprehension. Happy to report that he's is getting all A's & B's!!

FROM: Susan P.

Hannah exam prep score went from a 1120 to 1530!

Hi Huntington Exton Staff! My scores came back and I'm so happy with them! I got a 1530! 560-reading 520-writing 450-math I appreciate all of your help and I am personally happy with my scores! Thank you!!

FROM: Hannah

Strong 4th marking period!

My 10th grade daughter is off to a very strong 4th marking period. She did great on her last quiz and has been getting all her assignments done on time. She is particating more in class as well.It seems to me that what she is learning with you is giving her the skills she needs to see success in the classroom and build her confidence so she is more willing to take risk with out a "negative" result affecting her. Thank you for all you do!

FROM: Shannon B

Improved GPA

Just want to say thank you!! Our son's GPA increased from 1.9 to a 2.1 there are fewer zeros for homework than before, so we have been recognizing his progress. Funny story - He got extra credit for English for volunteering to make the vocab list..which he did with words he learned at Huntington, Great example of bridging Huntington into life at school and how to work the system in a positive way : ) He also said he's starting to use techniques you guys have taught him in actual homework/cla...

FROM: proud Mom 3/20/17

Congratulations and Thank you to the Foley Family! Good Luck this year Emilio!

Huntington was a great experience for me to learn material that would have been extremely difficult to learn on my own or only on the school curriculum. I was taught the details of all the necessary topics to cover without any unnecessary or extraneous information due to the personalized attention. I really appreciate the work and time that my tutor invested in my learning, as shown by his organization, knowledge, access to materials, and flexibility that not only he offered but Huntington offer...

FROM: Emilio Foley

Saying Good-bye to Our First Student! Thanks for always being awesome Greg! Good luck after senior year!

My Huntington experience, while at times was tough, was great. When I got here I was struggling with just about everything and I learned organizational skills, study skills and the basic skills in school to help me succeed. I can actually say with no doubt that if it weren't for Huntington I wouldn't be where I am right now. The care I received was always professional and I always felt it was customized to help me. From starting with the most basic things in reading and math to ACT, everything w...

FROM: Greg Watson

Always available

Really appreciated how much the staff tried to help and always available with any questions or concerns.

FROM: Loretta F.

Julien's Summer Book Report

Congratulations to Julien on his summer program. Julien is congratulated by his teacher, Ms. Caitlin and his Grandmother. Julien finished his summer book report which is ready to turn in on the 1st day back to school. Julien now knows how to brainstorm his ideas using the characters, settings and plots. He can write a rough draft to help him finalize his writing. For math, Julien completed advanced addition and subtraction and began working on his multiplication facts. Julien is ready for 3rd...

FROM: Mr. James B. and Ms. C. Queen
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