Huntington Learning Center Testimonials

Summer classes

I have been going to Huntington for one summer. It helped me become a more fluent reader and help me read and understand more. I became better at math. Now I am faster at multiplication and division. I like the teachers because many are helpful and nice. I feel like a normal person doing things because I feel good about myself.

FROM: Kaitlyn

Math and candy!

I enjoy long division and candy. (yum) There are nice teachers here. My teacher says I am good at math. I really like the Nicky books.

FROM: Lauren

Boosted me to a higher level

I learned to multiply. Now I am better than everyone in my school. Huntington really boosted me to a higher level. My favorite part about Huntington is the candy for hard working. I feel like I am a grownup.

FROM: Mika

Context clues

I learned how to read better. I will use context clues when I read. I will do my work and still have fun because that’s what I learned at Huntington. Thank you for helping me.

FROM: Conner

Main idea

I learned many things at Huntington. Facts helped me underline the important things. The main idea helped me know the main idea. I am better at writing words. I am better at thinking about things to write about. I am much faster at reading!

FROM: Beka

Thank you teacher and staff

Dear Huntington Teachers + Staff, Thanks you so much for all you have done for Nathan this year. It has been a wonderful experience that has helped him so much. Thank you.

FROM: Parents of Nathan

Reading at Huntington

I have learned a lot at Huntington. I have learned that you do not need to be perfect at reading, you need to work hard. I have learned to read fluidly and quickly. The teachers have taught me to identify inferences and main idea. I have learned to use phonics. I have learned all about multiplication. I will use it every day to read and do math. Huntington helps develop school skills.

FROM: Bradley age 12


I have learned a lot at Huntington. They helped me with division. I have also learned a lot in multiplication. I learned to write a full sentence. They taught me what comprehension means. When I did vocabulary I could write sentence that had nine words in it. I can use this in school. I will learn faster and learn more. Huntington is a good thing!

FROM: Danial age 9
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