High School Science Tutoring

Understanding Science Concepts with Tutoring

Tutoring Help For
High School Science

High school science classes can get pretty intense with the introduction of complicated science concepts and vocabulary and the math equations that accompany them. It's easy to get behind in science class if your teen isn’t grasping the concepts quickly or keeping up with homework assignments, lab reports, or chapter study.

If your student needs help in science and it has been a few years since you had to balance chemical equations or study anatomy, don't worry... Huntington has highly trained tutors ready to help! We offer comprehensive tutoring programs for earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics.

Getting Started with High School Science Tutoring

Whether your teen is struggling to keep up in science, or perhaps is taking an AP class and wants to get ahead, our individualized tutoring programs are the perfect solution to help your teen understand science. We'll begin with a comprehensive academic evaluation that will pinpoint your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Then, we'll tailor a tutoring program to meet your child's specific needs and help them learn at their pace. We will help your student prepare for quizzes and tests, keep up with homework assignments, and provide individualized tutoring that can boost grades — and confidence — to a higher level.

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation or call us at 1-800-CAN-LEARN. We’ll spend the time you need to answer your questions, understand your goals, and tailor a schedule that meets your needs.

Conduct A

Conduct A

To get a snapshot of your child’s current skill level, we will first conduct a comprehensive academic evaluation.

Pinpoint Strengths
And Weaknesses

Pinpoint Strengths
And Weaknesses

Our evaluation will reveal your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and where we should concentrate when tailoring their tutoring plan.

Develop a
Tutoring Plan

Develop a
Tutoring Plan

Based on the academic evaluation results, we will develop a personalized learning plan targeted to meet your student’s unique needs.

You’re one step away from tutoring help for science. Call 1-800-CAN-LEARN to get started!

We Offer Tutoring
to Improve Skills in:

Earth science is the study of Earth and its atmosphere. Knowledge of earth science helps us understand the land, water, and sky in our everyday world. Tutoring builds skills in the following concepts:

  • Earth's surface
  • Earth's energy
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes
  • Soil and rocks
  • Earth's fresh water and oceans
  • Earth's atmosphere, weather, and climate
  • Human actions and the earth
  • Observing and exploring space
  • Solar system: earth, moon, and sun
  • Stars, galaxies, and the universe

Biology is the study of living things, including plants and animals. Knowledge of biology helps us understand how the body works and how plants grow. Tutoring builds skills in the following concepts:

  • Cell structure and function
  • Cell division
  • Photosynthesis
  • Genetics
  • Biotechnology
  • Evolutionary theory
  • Classification
  • Ecology
  • Biomes and ecosystems
  • Systems of the human body

Chemistry is the study of matter and how it changes. Tutoring builds skills in the following concepts:

  • Chemistry in the laboratory
  • Atomic theory
  • Bohr model of the atom
  • Electron configuration
  • Periodic tables of elements
  • Ions and ionic formulas
  • Molecular architecture
  • Compounds
  • Chemical reactions and equations
  • The Kinetic-Molecular theory
  • Liquids and solids
  • The solution process
  • Chemical kinetics and chemical solutions
  • Acids
  • Water, pH, and titration
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Nuclear and organic chemistry

Physics is the study of matter and the energy that puts it in motion. Students who study physics develop problem-solving and abstract-thinking skills. Tutoring builds skills in the following concepts:

  • Force, momentum, energy
  • Heat
  • Circular motion
  • Gravity
  • Electrostatics
  • DC electric circuits

Read what our many happy parents and STUDENTS are saying...

"I originally joined Huntington to improve my SAT scores, but I also saw a rise in different subjects as well. In the area I had the most trouble, science, I started to see my grades rise from the high 80's to the low 90's. This experience has not only helped me with my grades, but has also changed my whole outlook on how I do my work."

Common questions

We begin with an in-person or phone consultation to understand your goals. Then we conduct a comprehensive academic evaluation to pinpoint your child's strengths and weaknesses. Based on the results, we develop a personalized learning plan targeted to meet your student's needs. Your child will receive individualized tutoring from one of our certified teachers to build and enhance the skills needed for school success and help your child get the best grades possible on quizzes, tests, and report cards. And, with your permission, we keep you and your child's teachers informed with regular conferences to discuss progress.

Call us today at 1-800-CAN-LEARN to get your child started on the path to success!

Most of the time it will be obvious when your child needs help. Often, you can see when they are struggling. You'll see warning signs, such as low grades, poor test and quiz grades, struggles with homework, avoiding homework, changes in attitude or behavior, or becoming disorganized or quiet and withdrawn.

Your child's teacher may also notice issues and tell you that your child is a day dreamer, a class clown, or is acting out. The teacher may be concerned about your child's ability to succeed, or that important school skills are missing.

Call us today at 1-800-CAN-LEARN and we can help you determine if your child needs help and how to take the first steps toward success!

Getting started is easy... call us today at 1-800-CAN-LEARN to speak with a caring educational consultant. We'll spend the time you need to answer your questions and understand your goals. We can help start your child down a new path to academic success by tailoring a tutoring program that meets their needs and fits within your schedule and budget.

Success Starts Here

Today can be the day you and your child start down a new path to academic success.

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