Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 11 articles matching "test"

Five Reasons Working with a Tutor Will Help Your Teen Perform on the SAT and ACT

Jan. 01, 2021

Some students are naturally strong test-takers, but for most, performing well takes preparation. That’s definitely true when it comes to the SAT and ACT, the tests your teen will take before applying to colleges.

Dos and Don’ts for the College Application

Sep. 04, 2020

The start of senior year brings a lot of excitement and a long list of to-dos for teens planning to go to college. Here are a few dos and don’ts that your teen should keep in mind.

What Are Standardized Tests and What Do Those Test Scores Mean?

Nov. 29, 2019

Standardized tests have been around for a long time. While your child is in school, they will be tested and measured via some form of standardized test. Read on to learn about standardized tests as well as what scores mean and what standardized tests measure. 

What Happened to the College Board’s “Adversity Score”?

Oct. 25, 2019

In May 2019, the College Board announced plans for their Environmental Context Dashboard, more commonly referred to as the "Adversity Score". In August, a revision to this plan known as "Landscape" was released. Read about this important update here.

Six Things to Look for in an Exam Prep Program

May. 10, 2019

College entrance exam scores are a significant factor in admission too. Make sure your teen prepares effectively for the SAT or ACT with an exam prep program.

What You Need to Know About SAT Subject Tests

Apr. 26, 2019

You’ve obviously heard about the SAT, but what about the SAT Subject Tests? These exams are college admission tests on specific subjects. Students can choose the tests that best showcase their strengths and weaknesses.

FAQs About the Differences Between the SAT and ACT Exams

Apr. 05, 2019

College just around the corner for your teen? There’s a lot to do to prepare, including take college entrance exams. When it comes to choosing the SAT or ACT, you might wonder how these exams differ and whether one is “better” for your teen than the other.

Seven Reasons Your Teen Needs an SAT/ACT Prep Course

Mar. 22, 2019

The SAT and ACT are arguably the most important exams in a high school student’s life. It pays to prepare! But here’s something to keep in mind: there are several must-haves when it comes to effective preparation and many teens are ill-equipped to approach the task correctly on their own.

What Does it Really Take to Get into the Ivy League?

Mar. 08, 2019

So, what does it take to gain acceptance into one of these colleges? High grades, class rank and outstanding standardized test (SAT and ACT) scores top the list of requirements. A rigorous high school curriculum and an impressive resume of extracurricular activities are also essential. But beyond those things, there are the intangible elements that make certain students stand apart from others.

How Much Do SAT/ACT Scores Matter?

Jan. 31, 2019

For the most selective colleges, the SAT and ACT support the overall story of how academically prepared a candidate is for college. For example, consider Dartmouth College, which has an acceptance rate of just 8.7%. Dartmouth’s required application components include SAT or ACT scores, but the admissions website states that while testing is required, it isn’t the ultimate factor in evaluating an application. Test scores are considered in conjunction with students’ academic record/transcripts and recommendations.

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