Huntington Connects

Showing 1-6 results of 6 articles matching "goals"

Questions to Ask Your Students to Get Them Thinking About Post High School Education

Oct. 02, 2019

As a teacher, part of your job is to get your students thinking about the future. And while some high school students already know what they might like to study after high school, others don’t have that kind of direction.

Tips for Teaching ADHD Students

May. 22, 2019

School can be a struggle for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As their teacher, how can you make things easier and less frustrating for them and for you?

Establishing a Great Learning Climate

May. 15, 2019

Every day, you strive to guide your students toward greater learning. How can you foster a climate that pushes students to grow and learn?

4 Essential Ways to Help Your High School Students Get Ready for College

Feb. 27, 2019

It is the job of every high school teacher to prepare students for college. Of course, you must teach your students the grade-level content knowledge they need to progress in your subject, but there are other important aspects of developing college-ready students.

The Importance of Planning and Preparation in Teaching

Jan. 09, 2019

o a little research into the best teachers out there and you’ll discover that they have several things in common: knowledge, charisma and care for students, to name a few. However, if there’s one element that makes for effective teaching, it is planning. Here are several reasons that lesson planning is essential.

5 Tips for Motivating Students in the New Year

Jan. 02, 2019

Ready to get your students into school mode after holiday break? Here are five tips to start things off on the right foot in 2019.

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