Huntington Connects


Join ADHD Blog Author Dr. Mary Rooney and Huntington Learning Center in discussing important information and tips for parents of children with ADHD.
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Why Do Kids with ADHD Struggle with Transitions?

For many kids with ADHD the most difficult times of the day are those that happen when they are transitioning from one activity to another. At school, it may be when they are ending an academic period and getting ready to head to art class or to lunch. Or it may be during more subtle transitions, like when they are moving from circle time on the rug to classwork at their desk. At home, challenging transitions come up when a child needs to settle down for homework time after playing video games, or when they need to transition into their bedtime routine.

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What Makes a Great Gift for a Child with ADHD?

It’s that time of year again when we all work hard to find just the right toy or gift for our kids. If you have a child with ADHD, gift giving is yet one more area where you may find yourself being even more thoughtful than most about the items you choose. The team at ADDitude Magazine recently published a whole host of gift ideas for kids with ADHD, ranging from fidget kits to stress relievers, to books to toys. Their articles cover great non-tech toys (, gift ideas for kids with sensory issues ( and products designed for tactile learners (  They are terrific resources for parents.

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Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Helping Students Stay Organized

While it may appear that a disorganized child with ADHD is careless or sloppy, often these students care very much about their materials and wish they could have a neat desk like their classmates. The problem is that the executive functioning skills required for organization are underdeveloped, making it almost impossible for them to maintain an organized desk and work area on their own.

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Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Transitioning Between Activities

Transitioning smoothly from one activity or setting to another can be very challenging for students with ADHD. Somewhat surprisingly, difficulty managing transitions is actually one of the least talked about problems associated with ADHD, yet it is at these times of the day that students with ADHD are typically the most disruptive or emotional.

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Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Completing Assignments

Getting assignments completed during the school day is challenging for all kids with ADHD. Unfinished classwork is a frustrating problem for teachers, who struggle to find ways to motivate kids with ADHD to complete work at the same pace as other students in the classroom. It’s also a frustrating problem for students, who often feel like they are failing when they see their peers staying on task and completing assignments easily. Often unfinished work is sent home and added to the day’s regular homework assignments. This extends the frustration to parents who see their children struggling to complete the typical homework load, let alone added work at the end of the day.

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Tips for Managing ADHD in the Classroom: Dealing with Impulsivity

“Why don’t you think before you act?!” Students with ADHD hear this over and over from teachers, parents, and even peers who are frustrated by their impulsive behavior. Acting without thinking about the consequences is actually a defining feature of ADHD for kids who have the impulsive symptoms of the disorder. Putting on the breaks and acting thoughtfully and patiently is not something that students with ADHD can do regularly without support. Fortunately, consistently using targeted behavioral strategies in the classroom can go a long way toward reducing impulsive behavior.

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