Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 23 articles matching "opportunities"

Harnessing Creativity in Children with ADHD

Dec. 13, 2021

Many parents wonder if children with ADHD are more creative than those without, and if their child’s creativity can help them overcome some of the challenges associated with ADHD. Encourage your child to develop their creativity at home, at school, and through extracurricular activities. Over time you’ll see their confidence grow as they strengthen their talents and make friends with other passionate and creative children.

What to Expect from Virtual Therapy Sessions for Kids and Teens with ADHD

Nov. 02, 2020

If you’re a parent considering telehealth treatment for your child or teen’s ADHD, you undoubtedly have questions about what to expect from virtual sessions. Here are answers to the top five questions I receive about telehealth therapy for ADHD.

Eight Steps for Teaching Your ADHD Child to Resolve Sibling Conflicts

Jun. 08, 2020

With families spending so much time social distancing together, spikes in sibling rivalry are inevitable. Some kids with ADHD need extra support from their parents, in the form of concrete social skills that they can use to resolve arguments with their siblings.

Five Steps for Teaching Anxious Kids to Recognize and Name Their Feelings

May. 11, 2020

Anxiety is a normal reaction during these times, and we all need to find healthy ways to cope with our anxious feelings. For kids with ADHD, signs of anxiety can easily be missed because they often mimic ADHD symptoms.

Understanding and Helping Your Frustrated Teen During the Coronavirus Crisis

Apr. 20, 2020

Families with teenagers confined to their homes during the coronavirus crisis face unique challenges.Teens who are prone to symptoms of anxiety or depression and those who already had tense relationships with their parents are among those struggling the most.

Creating a Coronavirus Screen Time Management Plan for Your Family

Mar. 23, 2020

With schools closed and social distancing in full effect, the usual screen time limits have gone out the window for most families. During this time of change and uncertainty, a screen time management plan is mort important than ever.

Setting Realistic Expectations for Kids with ADHD

Mar. 16, 2020

Kids with ADHD need clear and consistent expectations in order to thrive at school and at home. Expectations provide structure and consistency and help kids strive to reach their full potential.

New Guidelines Issued for Treatment of “Complex” ADHD

Mar. 02, 2020

In January, the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (SDBP) issued new clinical guidelines that call strongly for providing behavioral treatments and other psychosocial supports for children and adolescents with “complex” ADHD.

Timers: Essential Tools for ADHD Families

Feb. 17, 2020

People with ADHD struggle with time management for a variety of reasons. For each of these situations, using a timer as a tool can be extremely helpful. Here are just a few of the uses for this tool in managing a teen's ADHD.

Solving Challenging Behavior Problems with the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model

Jan. 13, 2020

The Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) model is a treatment approach that views challenging behaviors as a symptom of a gap between a child’s skills and an adult’s expectations.

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