Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 20 articles matching "general-education"

5 Strategies to Help Children with ADHD Work and Learn Independently

Feb. 07, 2022

Weak executive functioning skills related to organization, planning, self-monitoring, and motivation make it challenging for children with ADHD to work and learn independently. To build independence in children with ADHD, parents need to provide routines, organization, and structure around homework or remote learning activities while also taking a step back and becoming less involved in the details of the academic work. 

Five Steps for a Smooth Transition Back to In-Person School for Kids with ADHD

Aug. 02, 2021

Back-to-school is going to feel different this year for kids who are returning to full time in-person learning after spending a year or more attending school remotely or in a hybrid format. For kids with ADHD, a smooth transition is going to require extra planning and support from parents and teachers. Here are five steps you can take to support your child as they begin the new school year.

Helping Kids Cope with School Anxiety

Apr. 05, 2021

While remote learning has kept students engaged in the academic aspects of school all year long, students haven’t been exposed to the additional stressors that come with attending school in person. 

Understanding and Helping Your Frustrated Teen During the Coronavirus Crisis

Sep. 07, 2020

While some teens are coping reasonably well with the school closures and stay-at-home orders, others are struggling and are far more irritable, withdrawn, and unmotivated than they would normally be.

Returning to School with ADHD During COVID-19

Jul. 13, 2020

Students who are returning to in-person school this fall are faced with the challenge of shifting into back-to-school mode while simultaneously navigating new COVID-19 school requirements. The back-to-school adjustment is always difficult for kids with ADHD under normal circumstances.

Simple Tips for Boosting Academic Motivation in Kids with ADHD

May. 25, 2020

With summer-like weather upon us and many weeks spent without a structured school schedule, kids with ADHD are struggling to focus on their schoolwork like never before.

Understanding and Helping Your Frustrated Teen During the Coronavirus Crisis

Apr. 20, 2020

Families with teenagers confined to their homes during the coronavirus crisis face unique challenges.Teens who are prone to symptoms of anxiety or depression and those who already had tense relationships with their parents are among those struggling the most.

The Importance of Teaching Self-Advocacy Skills to Kids with ADHD

Mar. 20, 2020

As a parent of a child with ADHD, you have undoubtedly spent a great deal of time advocating on behalf of your child. With that in mind, how can you best begin preparing them for the times in adulthood where they will need to advocate on behalf of themselves?

Tips for Managing COVID-19 School Closure Days for Kids with ADHD

Mar. 18, 2020

School closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic are upending the lives of families across the U.S. Children with ADHD and their families face additional challenges since abrupt changes in routine make it harder for kids with ADHD to focus and regulate their emotions and behavior.

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Teens with ADHD

Feb. 10, 2020

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) peaks in the months of January and February with Symptoms ranging from fatigue, low mood, poor motivation and hopelessness. For teens with ADHD, these symptoms compound the difficulty of managing their ADHD during the winter months.

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