Huntington Connects


Join ADHD Blog Author Dr. Mary Rooney and Huntington Learning Center in discussing important information and tips for parents of children with ADHD.
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Dinnertime Strategies: Peace around the table

Having dinner together as a family is an important part of a child’s development. Family dinners support healthier eating habits and provide an opportunity for kids and parents to connect and decompress after a hectic day. But in families of kids with ADHD, dinnertime can be a challenge. The impulsivity and hyperactivity that comes with ADHD can make it hard for kids to stay seated, wait patiently, and have enjoyable conversations. The good news is that with some structure and support, kids with ADHD can be successful at the table. Start with these 5 tips.

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The Magic of the Marble Jar

Last week we talked about family rules. A family marble jar can be a great add-on to your family rules. It’s a fun, simple way to keep your child with ADHD and other family members motivated to follow the rules. Here’s how it works: Pick one or two family rules that you really want your children to focus on. When a family member is spotted following one of these rules, then they get to put a marble in the jar. When the jar is full, the whole family earns a treat. There are a few tricks to making the marble jar a success.

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Family Rules for Kids with ADHD

Family rules are like a code of conduct for your household. “We clean up after ourselves.” “We follow directions the first time.” “We wait our turn to talk.” Family rules are great. They provide clear expectations. They help parents be consistent. And they cut down on the amount of arguing or negotiating that occurs when rules are broken. But when a child has ADHD, coming up with family rules that work for everyone can be tricky. Kids with ADHD may not be able to meet the same expectations as other kids in the family. In fact, it’s not uncommon for an older child with ADHD to have more difficulty with the family rules than their younger brother or sister. So, how do you come up with rules that will work for everyone?

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Bedtime Nightmares: 5 tips to reduce the stress

It’s a typical night for a family with an ADHD child. You plan to have your child in bed by 8:00, but when 8:00 comes around so soon, you wonder where the evening has gone. Your child is bouncing off the walls, or zoned out in front of the TV, and you have a million things to do before bedtime. You call out to them from the other room, telling them to stop what they’re doing and get ready for bed. But when you go to check on her 15 minutes later, she hasn’t made any progress!

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Picking a Summer Camp for Kids with ADHD

Summer is a great time for kids with ADHD to explore creative, athletic, and academic interests and make friends outside of school. Kids with ADHD struggle socially and academically throughout the school year. So, even more than most kids, they need access to summer programs that allow them to test out new skills social, athletic, artistic, and academic skills in a warm, safe environment.

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The Organized Backpack? Yes, it’s Possible!

Have you looked inside your child’s backpack lately? If your child has ADHD there’s a good chance that it’s pretty messy in there! ADHD can make it hard to stay organized, and messy backpacks often lead to lost homework, missing or crumpled permission slips, and heavy loads that weigh kids down. Try these tips to help your child clean out their backpack and keep it neat all year long.

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