Huntington Connects

Blogs for College-Bound Students

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Dos and Don’ts for the College Admission Essay

ou’ve heard before that the admission essay can give your teen’s college application a boost, and it’s true. How can your teen make the admission essay the best it can be? Here are a few dos and don’ts.

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Dos and Don’ts for the College Application

The start of senior year brings a lot of excitement and a long list of to-dos for teens planning to go to college. Here are a few dos and don’ts that your teen should keep in mind.

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Tips for Fighting the Sophomore Slump

he sophomore slump hits many students hard in a normal year—and this year could be worse than usual due to the added stress of social distancing, remote learning, and general uncertainty. How can you help your teen?

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Tips for Helping Your Teen Make Freshman Year Great

Freshman year is a time of transition, which might take your teen by surprise. How can you help them start high school off on the right foot and make it a successful year?

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How Much Do Colleges Care About Extracurricular Involvement?

Extracurricular involvement is a presumed resume booster that can help set a student apart – but how much? And do all colleges care about it?

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Scholarship Data Every Parent Needs to Know

How do most students receive scholarships? Is it worth the time and effort to apply? Let’s take a look at some data on scholarships that might motivate your teen

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