Everything You Need to Know About Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

By Huntington Learning Center

You’ve heard about Advanced Placement tests, better known as AP exams. Check out all the benefits of taking AP exams and how Huntington can help your student earn the highest possible score and college credit.

When are the 2024 AP exams?

The 2024 AP exams will be administered over two weeks in early May: May 6-10 and May 13-17. Your school will provide test location, date and times.

How are they administered?

High schools decide whether to offer AP exams in digital, paper, or hybrid (paper and digital) formats. Digital exams and paper exams have the same number of sections, number and type of questions and length.  

How are AP exams scored?

AP exams are scored on a weighted combination of scores on the multiple choice section and free response section. AP exam scores indicate how qualified students are for a college course in the same subject (which helps colleges decide whether to award college credit and/or course placement), and scores are on a 5-point scale:

5 = extremely well qualified 4 = well qualified 3 = qualified 2 = possibly qualified 1 = no recommendation

What’s the benefits of taking AP exams?

  • AP test scores can boost a student’s college application. Colleges and universities look mainly at SAT/ACT scores and grades when evaluating students for admission. Strength of curriculum with AP classes and high AP test scores shows admissions officers that a student is willing to work hard and is capable of completing college-level work.  
  • Students can get college credit with a good AP score. Each college makes its own decisions about what scores receive college credit. Generally, students who earn a good score on an AP exam might be able to skip a required general education course in that subject.
  • AP scores help students graduate college early. Students can save money and time by graduating early from college. A college could take AP credits (for scores of 3, 4 or 5 on AP exams) and apply them toward general education requirements. Check the college website for information about AP credits.  

How can students prepare for AP exams?

They can and should start now. With AP exams happening in early May, most students start to prepare for AP exams in February and March. The AP exams are cumulative in nature, which means they cover all material from the school year. A consistent study plan with enough time to review the material not only helps students ace the exam but also sets them up for success for the remainder of the school year and with any upcoming SAT or ACT tests. It’s wise to prep early to avoid study time conflicts with final exams and the SAT/ACT. 

Huntington’s individualized AP, SAT and ACT test prep programs are the best way to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and develop an effective study plan. An initial practice test identifies areas for the student to focus on. One-to-one tutoring with a skilled instructor allows students to learn at their own pace and develop the skills and test-taking strategies to score as high as possible.

Call Huntington to learn more at 1-800 CAN-LEARN.  

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