Huntington Connects

Blogs for College-Bound Students

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Seven Life Skills Your Teen Needs for College

The list of academic aptitudes and skills your child needs for college is long. But there are many other important life skills that teens need to succeed in the real world. Here are seven of them.

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How the National Association of Colleges and Employers Defines Career Readiness

What exactly is career readiness? Are the skills and aptitudes that students need for college similar to those that are essential for success in the real world? Find out how the National Association of Colleges and Employers defines career readiness and about the eight competencies associated with career readiness.

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What Are Standardized Tests and What Do Those Test Scores Mean?

Standardized tests have been around for a long time. While your child is in school, they will be tested and measured via some form of standardized test. Read on to learn about standardized tests as well as what scores mean and what standardized tests measure. 

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FAQs About Weighted vs. Unweighted GPA

You probably have a pretty good idea of how your teen’s Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated based on your own experience as a high school student. But these days, many schools weight GPAs, giving new and confusing meaning to the term “4.0 student.” Find out answers to some frequently asked questions.

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What Colleges Look for in Applicants’ Extracurricular Activities

Grades and strength of curriculum are top of the list of attributes that colleges look for in applicants, however, colleges also appreciate that “something extra” in students. Extracurricular activities are a great way for teens to build leadership abilities and fuel their passions.

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Four Tips for Talking to Teens About Student Loans and Budgeting

Let’s face it, Mom and Dad. A college education costs a lot these days. It’s time to talk with your teen about how your family will fund his college education and other costs associated with living independently.

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