Five Characteristics of Highly Effective Teachers

By Huntington Learning Center

  1. Passionate - A passion for the craft of teaching and for helping students learn is essential to being an influential teacher. The best teachers let their enthusiasm show in the classroom. They aren’t afraid to share why they love a subject, and that excitement is often contagious.
  2. Dedicated - Excellent teachers want their students to learn. That means they’re always willing to take the time to help them understand something and overcome challenges. They are committed to guiding students toward greater learning.
  3. Caring - Compassion is important in teaching. And a patient, kind disposition is likely to be more successful than a harsh, authoritative one. That’s not to say teachers cannot be strict and hold students to high standards. However, teachers can achieve great outcomes when they get to know their students as individuals and show them that they care.
  4. Engaging - Some students are more naturally motivated than others, but effective teachers are good at helping all types of students connect with a subject. They try to make subjects interesting, of course, but they are also skilled at convincing students of the value and importance of learning. They pay attention to how their students respond to their methods and adjust when needed.
  5. Encouraging - Excellent teachers convince students to believe that they’re capable of growing their skills and knowledge if they put in the effort. When teachers nurture that growth mindset, they often see increased student growth and motivation. 

Learning isn’t easy for all students, but the more you can make your classroom a safe space where students are treated as capable learners, the more effective you will be.