Recognizing Struggling Students Who Need Summer Tutoring

By Huntington Learning Center

A struggling student might show some or all of the following signs:

  • Missed or incomplete assignments
  • Poor quiz/test results
  • Struggling with new material and making very little progress
  • Easily frustrated by material/new concepts
  • Avoids being called on if they don’t understand the material
  • Weak note taking and organizational skills   
  • Distracting others, or the teacher, to get out of doing the work
  • Irritation and anger (towards teacher, students, even friends)
  • Using the bathroom for extended periods of time (to get out of whatever the work is)
  • Skips class or is routinely late

The good news is that you can help your students by encouraging them to get summer tutoring help.

Here are a few things to share with students and their parents as you wrap up the school year:

  • No problem is too great to overcome. You may have some students who are trying, but their effort doesn’t show in their grades. Other students might have become disengaged completely. No matter the situation, students need to hear from you that things will get better, and summer is a chance to turn things around. Positivity goes a long way.
  • Individualized help is best. One size does not fit all when it comes to tutoring help. If a student had a hard time keeping up in the classroom, they will find the most success and improvement with a tutoring program that is customized to meet their specific needs (like Huntington’s programs).
  • Next year is a new chapter. Students can make the next school year a better one if they do some work over the summer. That’s the best time for students to address learning issues, acquire any missing skills, and get back on track with organization and time management. Making strides will help your students feel good about themselves again.
  • Summer is the best time to deal with school struggles. Remind parents of the urgency. While summer is a time to recharge the batteries, it’s also important that they don’t let summer learning loss kick in. When children don’t work their brains for extended periods of time (like summer break), they lose knowledge in reading, language arts, math and other subjects. Students who have fallen behind this school year need help so that their academic problems do not become worse next year.

Summer tutoring help from Huntington can make a big difference in your students’ lives. Refer parents to us and we would be happy to help their children. We work with students of all ages to help them rebuild confidence, discover their motivators, and find lasting school success, using our proven one-to-one approach.

Parents can call 1-800 CAN LEARN to hear more about our customized learning programs.