Huntington Connects


Join ADHD Blog Author Dr. Mary Rooney and Huntington Learning Center in discussing important information and tips for parents of children with ADHD.
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Tips for Dealing with Sibling Rivalry During Covid-19

Siblings are spending more time together than ever before, which means there’s greater opportunity for family bonding and greater opportunity for sibling conflict. 

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Simple Tips for Boosting Academic Motivation in Kids with ADHD

With summer-like weather upon us and many weeks spent without a structured school schedule, kids with ADHD are struggling to focus on their schoolwork like never before.

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Should You Get Your Child or Teen with ADHD a Video Game Console So They Can Socialize with Their Friends During Covid-19?

There are also some very real social benefits to playing video games with friends, especially right now. So, letting your child get the video game console they have always wanted could be a good thing.

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Five Steps for Teaching Anxious Kids to Recognize and Name Their Feelings

Anxiety is a normal reaction during these times, and we all need to find healthy ways to cope with our anxious feelings. For kids with ADHD, signs of anxiety can easily be missed because they often mimic ADHD symptoms.

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What Anxiety Looks Like in Kids with ADHD During Coronavirus

Children with ADHD are more prone to anxiety than kids without ADHD – and that is during “normal” times when we are not in the middle of a national crisis.

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Managing Your Emotions During the Coronavirus Crisis

If you are a parent of a child with ADHD and feel like you are hanging on by a thread, you are not alone. As the coronavirus pandemic stretches on, emotions are running high and patience is running low.

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