Huntington Connects


Join ADHD Blog Author Dr. Mary Rooney and Huntington Learning Center in discussing important information and tips for parents of children with ADHD.
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Are Concussion Effects More Severe in Youths with ADHD?

Recent studies suggest that youths with ADHD may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of concussions and may require additional monitoring and follow-up care.

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Finish Homework Faster by Building Breaks into Homework Time

ADHD and homework mix about as well as oil and water. The biggest challenge is typically the extreme amount of time it takes kids with ADHD to get their homework completed. Here are some helpful ways to make homework time less stressful.

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The Importance of Follow-up Care for Kids Taking Medication for ADHD

As a parent, what type of follow-up care should you expect for your child after they start an ADHD medication? 

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Why You Shouldn’t “Wait and See” When it Comes to Kids with ADHD

When parents have concerns about their child’s behavior or academic performance, they are often told by friends, family, teachers, and doctors that they should “wait and see” if things improve before seeking professional help. When there are persistent behavior challenges at home or at school, like difficulty following basic rules, difficulty getting along with classmates or teachers, oppositional behavior, or difficulties with focus or completing schoolwork, then a wait-and-see approach is not helpful and could even be harmful to kids who may have ADHD

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Teaching Parents Strategies to Help Their Anxious Child

As a parent, it’s very hard to know how much to accommodate and comfort your child and how much to pull back and allow your child to experience their anxiety symptoms. This is where parent coaching comes in.

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What Is the Connection Between ADHD Medications and Sleep Problems?

Studies have shown that kids with ADHD have higher rates of sleep disorders, like sleep-disordered breathing or restless leg syndrome, and experience more daytime sleepiness than kids without ADHD.

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