Huntington Connects


Join ADHD Blog Author Dr. Mary Rooney and Huntington Learning Center in discussing important information and tips for parents of children with ADHD.
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Does Your Child Have Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Kids with ADHD are often labeled as having “behavior challenges,” which usually means that their behavior is more difficult for teachers, parents, and peers to cope with than it is for kids without ADHD. They may also have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (or ODD). In fact, up to 40% of kids with ADHD also meet diagnostic criteria for ODD.

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Do Video Games Cause ADHD?

Do an online search for “causes of ADHD” and you’ll find plenty of discussion about video games being a driving factor in the rising number of kids being diagnosed with ADHD each year. How do you sort the facts from fiction?

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Is a Gap Year a Good Idea for Prospective College Students with ADHD?

Most parents of high schoolers with ADHD have concerns about sending their teen to college – and with good reason. Research shows that college students with ADHD are at higher risk for failing or withdrawing from their classes and are more likely to drop out of college than their classmates without ADHD.

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Five Colleges with Enhanced ADHD Services

Heading off to college represents an exciting time for students with ADHD. It’s also an anxiety-provoking time, since the success of students with ADHD up to this point has often been dependent on the structure that their school and family have provided.

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Accommodations for College Students with ADHD: Frequently Asked Questions

Once the admissions offer has been accepted and the celebration has died down, it’s time to start thinking about how your teen’s needs will be met once college life begins. Academic accommodations are one tool that may help students with ADHD manage some of the impairments that make college more difficult.

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Screen Use after Bedtime and ADHD

With phones, tablets, and video game consoles accessible to kids just about any time and anywhere, setting limits around screen time is more challenging than ever. When ADHD is added into the mix, setting screen time limits becomes even harder.

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