Huntington Connects

Blogs for College-Bound Students

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Five College Majors for Undecided Students

While it’s fine to go to college undecided on a major, it’s also okay to choose an option that is broad and versatile and will keep multiple doors open down the road. Here are five such examples for students who don’t have an exact career in mind just yet.

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What Matters Most In Getting Into College

In the high stakes game of college admissions, both parents and students seem to be looking for that magic bullet, a proven formula to guarantee college admission. Colleges are looking not only for well-rounded students, but a diverse student body, with a range of experiences.

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Early Decision vs. Early Action: Determining the Best Choice for Your Student

Fall of senior year is packed with activity. From last-chance SAT/ACT exam dates to requesting and collecting letters of recommendation to application deadlines, seniors will be busy. If your student is ahead of the game and wants to get their applications submitted sooner than later, applying by early decision or early action might be a great idea.

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Teaching Your Student to Write Effectively

Developing good writing skills is critical for effective learning and will help students in all facets of school. From English papers to science labs, from history projects to college admissions essays—writing is a skill your child will use in many areas and subjects. What can you do to teach your child to write effectively for every subject? Here are several tips.

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Finding the Right Fit in a College

As this year’s rising juniors get ready to embark on their college search and rising seniors prepare for the final lap in theirs, I wanted to provide some advice in looking for that elusive “right fit” that comes from my book and 25 years of writing about higher edu­cation and visiting hundreds of campuses.

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How the SAT and ACT Differ (and How to Choose)

At a glance, the SAT and ACT seem quite similar—and they are in many ways. But there are some important distinctions, summarized below. The best approach to making the decision on which exam to take? Have your student take a practice SAT and a practice ACT.

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