Huntington Connects

Blogs for College-Bound Students

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Why Consider Retaking the SAT/ACT

Most students who retake the SAT or ACT perform better the second time around, and there are many reasons a higher score can be beneficial to your student as a college applicant. Here are several reasons to retake the SAT/ACT.

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The Pros and Cons of Pursuing a Two-Year Degree

While there’s no question that a bachelor’s degree has several advantages over an associate degree, a two-year degree is a great option that might be worth considering. Here are some of the pros and cons of a two-year degree over a four-year degree.

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4 Trends Happening with Students in College

The last two years have been full of change for everyone, including college students and students who are college bound. Between online learning and required facial coverings, it’s been hard for most to keep up with what is going on across the country at different college campuses. Here are four trends we’re seeing with college students today.

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Five Benefits of Having a College Mentor

All students need encouragement when it comes time to start researching colleges and thinking about the future. While you will be one of your student’s advocates during this important time, there is also value in having a mentor. This individual can help your student through a pivotal period in their life and offer advice, guidance and support.

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Punctuation Rules Your Student Needs to Know for the SAT/ACT

The SAT and the ACT both test students’ ability to write effectively, organize their ideas, use a wide range of vocabulary words and much more, but how about punctuation? Both exams ask questions that have students recognize and correct errors in sentence structure, usage and punctuation. Here are a few rules that your student should have down by the time they sit for either college entrance exam.

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How to Help Your Student Pick a College Minor

A college minor is optional but can be very beneficial. As your student narrows down their college major and career options, they can think about whether adding a minor makes sense too. It can help them expand their options, clarify their goals and interests, and build their expertise. Getting your student thinking about these things now is certainly a good idea and can enhance their college experience.

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