Huntington Connects

Blogs for Educators

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Six Tips to Foster Student Creativity

Creativity is a valuable trait that students will put to use in school and life. It helps them think outside the box, come up with innovative ideas, and take different approaches to solve problems.

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Seven Tips to Keep Your Day Organized and Productive

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Seven Behavior Management Tips for Your Classroom

You could spend a lot of time creating a great lesson and perfecting your teaching approach only to have it all undone because of a rowdy classroom. Here are a few tips to help with classroom behavior management.

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Questions to Ask Your Students to Get Them Thinking About Post High School Education

As a teacher, part of your job is to get your students thinking about the future. And while some high school students already know what they might like to study after high school, others don’t have that kind of direction.

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Eight Great Brain Break Ideas

Did you know that brain breaks are proven to improve student productivity, problem solving, and overall attention? Here are eight brain break ideas to incorporate into your classroom routine when your students need to refocus and reenergize.

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What You Need to Know About Project-Based Learning

Have you heard about project-based learning? Edutopia defines it as “a dynamic classroom approach in which students explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge.” This innovative methodology encourages students to think on their feet and collaborate to produce projects that present what they learned.

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