Huntington Connects

Blogs for Educators

Connecting you to the latest news, tips and academic resources

Tips to Offer Parents for Helping Their Children with Math

Remind your students’ parents that they don’t have to be mathematicians to help their children through math homework. Here are a few ways they can be effective.

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Teaching Early Readers: Two Approaches

If you’re an early elementary school teacher, you know that there are multiple ways to teach young readers. Here are two of the most common, and the differences between them.

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What is Visual Learning and How Can You Teach it to Students?

In today’s environment, where remote school is the norm in many places, it’s important to be mindful of visual learners when you plan your instruction. Here are a few tips on how you can do so.

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Eight Tips for Making Your Students Feel Supported

Without a doubt, teaching is an art. A passion for your subject is one important component, but most teachers are also deeply committed to helping their students develop as learners and people.

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Knowing When You Need to Refer Your Students for Outside Tutoring

It’s easier for some students to get back on track than it is for others. When you know a student is struggling but you’re not getting through to them, referring them for tutoring might be the best way to help them.

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Six Tips to Help Your Students Develop Stress Management Techniques

School can be stressful – and this year, the adjustment to remote learning is making it even more so for many students. How can you help your students develop good stress management techniques to make this year the best it can be?

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