Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 17 articles matching "act-prep"


Sep. 27, 2023

It’s easy to tell that a child needs tutoring when he or she continues to receive one poor report card after the next, but there are a number of other less obvious signs that parents shouldn’t ignore. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that parents can look for clues in a number of places. “Stressful study sessions and bad grades are the tangible evidence of a child’s school struggles, but there are several other indicators to watch for,” says Huntington. “The sooner you recognize school problems, the faster you can help your child overcome any issues and boost his or her confidence.”

Huntington Learning Center Announces Huntington Study Hall

Jul. 23, 2020

In-Person and Live Online Tutoring and Test Prep, Homework Help, Webinars, and Huntington Study Hall Are Here to Help

Nine Things Students Need to Know About Taking the ACT Post-COVID-19

Jul. 07, 2020

ACT has started to resume some semblance of normal as states are beginning to reopen in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. The ACT has made a few changes that some parents may have heard about, but the biggest difference to expect going forward is how the exam will be administered.

Updates on the SAT/ACT: What You Need to Know

Jun. 02, 2020

All students had their worlds turned upside down this spring, but for college-bound high school students, the sudden cancellation of the March, April, May, and June SAT and ACT dates caused even more uncertainty. 

HuntingtonHelps LIVE Provides One-on-One and Small-Group Tutoring and Test Prep Online

Apr. 29, 2020

As families everywhere grapple with a new school reality – remote, online learning for the foreseeable future – Huntington Learning Center is ready to deliver a flexible, comprehensive online solution.


Mar. 24, 2020

Huntington Learning Center, the nation’s leading tutoring and test prep provider, announced today the launch of HuntingtonHelps LIVE, a virtual tutoring platform.

SAT ACT Exams Postponed Due to COVID-19

Mar. 17, 2020

As news around the United States continues to pour in about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the two largest college placement examination groups in the country have announced that they will be rescheduling or canceling upcoming testing dates.

The Importance of Personalized SAT/ACT Test Prep

May. 21, 2019

When it comes to teens preparing for success on the SAT or ACT, here’s something parents need to know: not all test prep programs are created equal.  And one of the most important things parents should look for when evaluating companies that deliver test prep courses is whether the program meets students’ distinct needs.

Test-Taking Tactics to Succeed on the SAT/ACT

Oct. 01, 2018

The SAT (or ACT) is arguably one of the most important exams your teen will ever take. Putting together a solid exam prep plan isn’t just a good idea—it is essential for teens who want to earn the best scores possible as they start their college application process.

While thorough, targeted preparation is critical for success on the SAT/ACT, it’s helpful to have a few tools to rely upon when test day comes around. You can help your teen prepare for the SAT/ACT by strengthening those test-taking tactics. Here are a few tips to share with your teen:

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