Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 43 articles matching "goals"

6 activities to help your child build leadership skills

May. 31, 2024

Whether your child grows up to become a powerful business person, a teacher, or a doctor, the ability to lead people toward a goal and be a positive influence on others is invaluable.

How to Help Your Child Embrace Reading This Summer

May. 08, 2024

The school year is packed for most children, so summer is a welcome break from the routine of homework and studying. One of the best summer pastimes and easiest ways to mitigate summertime regression is reading.

Six Activities to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer

Apr. 24, 2024

Summer break is around the corner and children around the country will be celebrating. While your child certainly deserves a break from the daily grind of homework and studying, it’s important to keep that brain active to avoid regression. That loss of academic skills is a common result of long breaks from school.

Setting Your Middle School Student on the Right High School Academic Track

Feb. 02, 2024

Registering for classes in high school might sound simple, but choosing the right classes is essential. Here are four tips for parents of middle school students looking ahead to high school or freshmen thinking ahead to college.

How to Build Children’s Confidence as Students

Jan. 21, 2024

Parents who want to provide academic support to their children at home should try to develop their young learners confidence in themselves. How can you do so?

How to Set and Achieve Educational Goals for the New Year

Dec. 04, 2023

With a new year on the horizon, now is a good time for your child to think about how to turn over a new leaf by setting some academic goals. Setting educational goals is valuable because it gets students planning ahead and taking ownership of their education.

Helping Elementary Students Who Are Struggling with Phonics

Apr. 06, 2023

Phonics understanding is essential for children to become strong readers, but it isn’t the only skill they need. The National Reading Panel evaluated more than 100,000 reading studies on how children learn to read and determined that there are five important “building block” components of reading instruction.

Six Signs Your Child Needs a Math Tutor

Mar. 02, 2023

If your child has experienced math difficulties this school year (and further back) and you hear them complain frequently about math, it might be time for a math tutor. An experienced tutor can give your child math help that improves their skills while building their confidence.

How Does Screen Time Affect Your Child’s Learning?

Jan. 05, 2023

Today’s children spend a lot of time on smartphones and computers, leaving many parents to wonder about the impact of all that screen time.  So how exactly does screen time affect your child's learning and development? 

Five Tips to Make This School Year Successful

Sep. 08, 2022

The school year is off to a start, but you want to make it the best start possible. There are several easy ways to help your child set the tone for a positive, productive year.

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