Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 138 articles matching "learning"

Six Activities to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer

Apr. 24, 2024

Summer break is around the corner and children around the country will be celebrating. While your child certainly deserves a break from the daily grind of homework and studying, it’s important to keep that brain active to avoid regression. That loss of academic skills is a common result of long breaks from school.

Effective Ways to Improve Your Student's Study Skills

Mar. 27, 2024

A student's success in school isn't just based on how well he or she can understand material; rather, academic success also depends on the effectiveness of a student's study skills.


Sep. 27, 2023

It’s easy to tell that a child needs tutoring when he or she continues to receive one poor report card after the next, but there are a number of other less obvious signs that parents shouldn’t ignore. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that parents can look for clues in a number of places. “Stressful study sessions and bad grades are the tangible evidence of a child’s school struggles, but there are several other indicators to watch for,” says Huntington. “The sooner you recognize school problems, the faster you can help your child overcome any issues and boost his or her confidence.”

How to Help a Poor Speller

Apr. 10, 2023

For some children, learning to spell is incredibly frustrating and something that never seems to get easier or less confusing.

Fun Family Learning Activities to Enjoy Over Winter Break

Dec. 01, 2022

There are opportunities to learn everywhere. Of course, winter break is also an opportune time for children to catch up in school if they need a boost in one or more subjects.

Tips to Raise an Independent Learner

Jun. 07, 2022

Students who are independent seek to learn for the sake of learning and understand that learning requires discipline and diligence.The more you can help your child make that transition toward independence as a student, the more equipped they will be for college-level academics and their career.  

What Science Teaches Beyond the Science

May. 10, 2022

Even if your student isn’t passionate about the subject, learning science offers many valuable takeaways. Here are several things that students can learn from science that are beyond science.

New Year, New Student: Five Tips to Help Your Child Turn Things Around

Jan. 11, 2022

With 2021 behind your child, now is a great opportunity to embrace a new mindset and a good attitude. A new school year is a new chapter, but so is a new calendar year. If your child had a few challenges in the fall semester, the New Year is well timed and a symbol of hope and change. Here are a few tips to help your child embrace the idea of a fresh start and turn things around during the remainder of the school year.

Fall Checkup: Seven Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher

Oct. 05, 2021

The school year is underway and you might even have parent-teacher conferences coming up. What types of topics should you raise for discussion? Here are seven questions to ask to check on how your child is progressing.

How to Use Your Child’s Learning Style to Improve Their Learning

Sep. 07, 2021

No two students learn exactly alike, yet it’s so important for children to understand themselves as learners. Another reason understanding your child’s learning style is valuable is that it helps you when working with your child’s teacher. Here are several tips to start the conversation with your child to help them become more self-aware. about the learning environments and approaches that fit them well.

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