Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 23 articles matching "mental-health"

How to Motivate Your Child Whose Grades Have Dropped

Apr. 05, 2024

Falling grades are problematic, but an even bigger issue is when your child seems uninterested in turning things around. Here are several tips to help students who may have fallen behind and lost motivation or who seems apathetic about school and whose As have dwindled to Cs.

How to Build Children’s Confidence as Students

Jan. 21, 2024

Parents who want to provide academic support to their children at home should try to develop their young learners confidence in themselves. How can you do so?

How Tutoring Helps Kids in Crisis

May. 09, 2023

Tutoring can be a valuable resource for families and children struggling with learning loss and ongoing mental health struggles as it provides them with a supportive environment in which they can work on their academic goals while also receiving guidance and support from a trusted adult. 

A Parent’s Guide to an IEP

Mar. 31, 2023

IEPs are a valuable tool for students who need them, but they are not the right fit for everyone. Throughout the disability evaluation process, remember that the end goal is to get your child the services they need, regardless of whether it is through an IEP, a 504 Plan, or another option outside of the special education system.

Activities to Increase Your Child’s Attention Span at Home

Feb. 09, 2023

In our digital world with many distractions, many children’s attention spans are shorter than they need to be for school and effective learning. Here's the good news: improving attention span is possible. Here are a few.

How Does Screen Time Affect Your Child’s Learning?

Jan. 05, 2023

Today’s children spend a lot of time on smartphones and computers, leaving many parents to wonder about the impact of all that screen time.  So how exactly does screen time affect your child's learning and development? 

How to Know if Your Child Needs an IEP

Nov. 10, 2022

Many students need individualized help from time to time, but for certain students, that help might be more specific and defined by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP is a required document for students who receive special education services.

Identifying Learning Disabilities Early

Oct. 06, 2022

If you know that your child is experiencing learning difficulties, it’s important to not ignore the signs. Here are a few things to watch for when your child is young that could be signs of learning disabilities or other learning issues.

The Role Working Memory Plays in Learning

Sep. 01, 2022

In school, your child relies on their memory to learn. But there are different types of memory that come into play during different situations. How do children use working memory in school?

Tips for Students Headed Back to School

Aug. 09, 2022

There are lots of things parents can do during the final weeks of summer to help their children prepare. A little mental preparation and some simple planning ahead can help children get off to the best start possible. 

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