Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 101 articles matching "general-education"

Six Activities to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer

Apr. 24, 2024

Summer break is around the corner and children around the country will be celebrating. While your child certainly deserves a break from the daily grind of homework and studying, it’s important to keep that brain active to avoid regression. That loss of academic skills is a common result of long breaks from school.

How to Motivate Your Child Whose Grades Have Dropped

Apr. 05, 2024

Falling grades are problematic, but an even bigger issue is when your child seems uninterested in turning things around. Here are several tips to help students who may have fallen behind and lost motivation or who seems apathetic about school and whose As have dwindled to Cs.

Six Signs Your Child Needs Tutoring

Mar. 08, 2024

Rarely do children sail through school from kindergarten through twelfth grade without encountering a few challenges along the way. How can you recognize a problem that requires more than just a bit of additional effort on your child’s part?

Why Mastery of Skills is Important for Young Students

Feb. 15, 2024

Mastery of skills is essential for deeper learning. Students who are encouraged to master knowledge before moving on to the next concept are inherently taught to persevere and approach learning with a growth (rather than fixed) mindset. They also build their confidence in the process.  

Now that Your Child Has Transitioned to Middle School

Nov. 24, 2023

The jump from elementary to middle school is a big one for children and often comes with nerves and concerns. Parent can help ease this transition by taking a few simple steps.

Signs That Your Child Needs Homework Help

Oct. 03, 2023

Homework is an important part of school, helping reinforce concepts taught in the classroom and providing students the opportunity to practice and apply new knowledge independently. When academic problems arise, however, homework difficulty is one of the early signs.


Sep. 27, 2023

It’s easy to tell that a child needs tutoring when he or she continues to receive one poor report card after the next, but there are a number of other less obvious signs that parents shouldn’t ignore. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that parents can look for clues in a number of places. “Stressful study sessions and bad grades are the tangible evidence of a child’s school struggles, but there are several other indicators to watch for,” says Huntington. “The sooner you recognize school problems, the faster you can help your child overcome any issues and boost his or her confidence.”

Is Your Child Starting High School? Tips for Freshman Year Success

Aug. 03, 2023

After years of anticipation, your child’s first day of high school is here.  If you have a new high schooler in your house, here are several freshman tips to share with them on how to start things off right.

Is Your Student Ready to Go Back to School?

Jul. 13, 2023

Most children prefer the fun of summer to the structure of school, so a little preparation can go a long way toward easing stress and making them feel less overwhelmed about getting back into learning mode.

Bridging the Gap: How Tutoring & Intervention Can Help Youth in Foster Care

Jun. 08, 2023

Widespread health crises have largely impacted students nationwide, with skills gaps and unfinished learning becoming one of the biggest issues students face today. Many schools and districts are looking to bridge these gaps by providing high-dosage tutoring, reading and math interventions, and educational scholarships to allow students to seek private help.

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