Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 39 articles matching "summer-break"

Tips to help your child keep learning over summer break

Jun. 06, 2024

At the end of a long school year, summer is a welcome break for many students. And while it’s important for students to relax, it is also essential that they avoid the “summer slide.” Every year, students lose several months’ worth of reading and math skills over summer break. Parents can help their children avoid this and keep their brains working during summer. Whether the child needs to get ahead of the next grade’s work or get back on track after ending the school year with poor grades, summer learning can make a big difference.

How summer math tutoring can help your child for the next school year

May. 16, 2024

Without the correct math “building blocks” in place, math only becomes more challenging and more frustrating as the student progresses through grade levels.

How to Help Your Child Embrace Reading This Summer

May. 08, 2024

The school year is packed for most children, so summer is a welcome break from the routine of homework and studying. One of the best summer pastimes and easiest ways to mitigate summertime regression is reading.

How Can You Help Your Child Sidestep the Summer Slide?

May. 08, 2024

Summer is a welcome break for families, but it can cause problems when it comes to the long-term retention of academic skills and knowledge. Many experts report that summertime regression is a significant problem for students of all ages, with children losing several months’ worth of reading and math skills over break. Here’s the good news: it’s not as hard as you think to minimize the problem. Here are a few ways you can help your child avoid the summer slide:

Six Activities to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer

Apr. 24, 2024

Summer break is around the corner and children around the country will be celebrating. While your child certainly deserves a break from the daily grind of homework and studying, it’s important to keep that brain active to avoid regression. That loss of academic skills is a common result of long breaks from school.

Is Your Student Ready to Go Back to School?

Jul. 13, 2023

Most children prefer the fun of summer to the structure of school, so a little preparation can go a long way toward easing stress and making them feel less overwhelmed about getting back into learning mode.

Summer Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

Jun. 08, 2023

It’s important to encourage your child to keep their brain working to avoid summer learning loss, which can lead to gaps of knowledge, regression of skills, lost confidence and a weak start to the school year come fall.

Three Reasons Why Academic Support This Summer Can Help Your Struggling Student

May. 04, 2023

While summer is a welcome and much-needed break from school for many children, it’s also the best time to provide academic support for your child, who may have faced learning difficulties this school year. Here are several reasons why it is urgent that you get your child academic support and tutoring help

Students Can Travel ‘Anywhere’ They Want To Go with Huntington Learning Center’s 2023 Summer Reading Adventure

May. 01, 2023

Let the adventure begin! It's time to grab your passports and join Huntington for a summer-long journey where we let our imaginations run wild, and catch up on some of that reading we missed during this crazy school year. Stay on track to be reading at grade level this fall, and have FUN doing it! Reading Adventure is free and open to all families!

Preventing Summer Slide with Publicly Funded Programs: Help Students Maintain Academic Success during the Summer Months

Apr. 26, 2023

Huntington Learning Center’s Publicly Funded Programs can help schools work with parents and families, preparing the students for their next grade level and helping to bridge any gaps a student may have As we transition into the long, hot days of summer, here are a few ways to make sure students avoid summer learning loss.

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