Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 57 articles matching "reading"

How to Help Your Child Embrace Reading This Summer

May. 08, 2024

The school year is packed for most children, so summer is a welcome break from the routine of homework and studying. One of the best summer pastimes and easiest ways to mitigate summertime regression is reading.

Six Activities to Keep Your Child Learning this Summer

Apr. 24, 2024

Summer break is around the corner and children around the country will be celebrating. While your child certainly deserves a break from the daily grind of homework and studying, it’s important to keep that brain active to avoid regression. That loss of academic skills is a common result of long breaks from school.

Teaching a Child to Read for Maximum Comprehension

Mar. 14, 2024

Have you noticed that your child is capable of reading, but has trouble recalling what he or she reads, even immediately thereafter? “A few of the basics of good reading are strong decoding ability, recognition of high-frequency and irregular words, and good comprehension,” says Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center. “Without these building blocks, a child will never achieve reading fluency and will likely always struggle with reading.” Luckily, Huntington says there are a number of things parents can do to help their children better comprehend what they read. Here are several tips:

Why Reading Ability Affects Students in All Subjects

Aug. 11, 2023

Reading ability is essential not only for literacy development but also for learning subjects like math and science. Here are a few examples of how students rely upon their reading skills in other school subjects.

Students Can Travel ‘Anywhere’ They Want To Go with Huntington Learning Center’s 2023 Summer Reading Adventure

May. 01, 2023

Let the adventure begin! It's time to grab your passports and join Huntington for a summer-long journey where we let our imaginations run wild, and catch up on some of that reading we missed during this crazy school year. Stay on track to be reading at grade level this fall, and have FUN doing it! Reading Adventure is free and open to all families!

Preventing Summer Slide with Publicly Funded Programs: Help Students Maintain Academic Success during the Summer Months

Apr. 26, 2023

Huntington Learning Center’s Publicly Funded Programs can help schools work with parents and families, preparing the students for their next grade level and helping to bridge any gaps a student may have As we transition into the long, hot days of summer, here are a few ways to make sure students avoid summer learning loss.

Student math scores are down from pre-COVID levels

Oct. 25, 2022

Math and reading scores for students across the country are down following years of disrupted learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a report released  by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the results show a slight dip in reading scores and the largest drop in math since testing began.

What To Do When Your Child Dislikes Reading

Mar. 01, 2022

Children who are lacking some of the reading building blocks that are essential for reading fluency and comprehension might find the entire process frustrating and avoid it altogether. Make sure your child has the basics down, then help them rediscover reading as an enjoyable pastime. Here are several tips.

Why Summer Reading is More Important Than Ever This Year

Jul. 13, 2021

This year has had its share of turbulence for students of all ages. With summer break upon us, it is important for children to relax and rejuvenate, while continuing to keep up with their basic skills such as reading. How can summer reading benefit students? Here are several reasons it’s a worthwhile activity this summer especially.

5 Tips for Learning While on Vacation

Jul. 01, 2021

Family vacations provide much-needed downtime, but they can also be terrific learning experiences! Vacations can bring school lessons to life, aid in personal development, and help children to become more culturally aware.

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