Huntington Connects

Showing 1-10 results of 41 articles matching "for-parents"

How to Motivate Your Child Whose Grades Have Dropped

Apr. 05, 2024

Falling grades are problematic, but an even bigger issue is when your child seems uninterested in turning things around. Here are several tips to help students who may have fallen behind and lost motivation or who seems apathetic about school and whose As have dwindled to Cs.

Now that Your Child Has Transitioned to Middle School

Nov. 24, 2023

The jump from elementary to middle school is a big one for children and often comes with nerves and concerns. Parent can help ease this transition by taking a few simple steps.

Tips to Make Math Easier for Young Learners

Oct. 10, 2023

At a young age, the foundational “building block” math skills are simpler to learn—and simpler for parents to teach. As children grow older, however, math becomes more complex, which is when problems tend to arise (and when many parents seek the help of a math tutor for their child).

Why Reading Ability Affects Students in All Subjects

Aug. 11, 2023

Reading ability is essential not only for literacy development but also for learning subjects like math and science. Here are a few examples of how students rely upon their reading skills in other school subjects.

Is Your Student Ready to Go Back to School?

Jul. 13, 2023

Most children prefer the fun of summer to the structure of school, so a little preparation can go a long way toward easing stress and making them feel less overwhelmed about getting back into learning mode.

Three Reasons Why Academic Support This Summer Can Help Your Struggling Student

May. 04, 2023

While summer is a welcome and much-needed break from school for many children, it’s also the best time to provide academic support for your child, who may have faced learning difficulties this school year. Here are several reasons why it is urgent that you get your child academic support and tutoring help

Students Can Travel ‘Anywhere’ They Want To Go with Huntington Learning Center’s 2023 Summer Reading Adventure

May. 01, 2023

Let the adventure begin! It's time to grab your passports and join Huntington for a summer-long journey where we let our imaginations run wild, and catch up on some of that reading we missed during this crazy school year. Stay on track to be reading at grade level this fall, and have FUN doing it! Reading Adventure is free and open to all families!

10 Questions to Ask at the Next Parent-Teacher Conference

Apr. 13, 2023

Having a plan will help parents make parent-teacher conferences productive, and having a list of questions to ask the teacher is also a good idea. Use this parent-teacher conference “template” of questions as a starting point and adapt it as needed.

Helping Elementary Students Who Are Struggling with Phonics

Apr. 06, 2023

Phonics understanding is essential for children to become strong readers, but it isn’t the only skill they need. The National Reading Panel evaluated more than 100,000 reading studies on how children learn to read and determined that there are five important “building block” components of reading instruction.

Results Show Huntington Learning Center Improved Students’ Math and Reading Scores

Jan. 12, 2023

In October 2022, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) released a report, known as “The Nation’s Report Card,” that showed math and reading scores for fourth and eighth-grade students declined between 2019 and 2022.

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